Thursday, 24 January 2013

OOTD (January 23rd 2013)

Hello everyone~!
A few things to mention before I start this blog post, a few things have changed:
1) I am now blonde
2) I have a piercing
3) I haven't blogged since sometime near Halloween..
And I am so, so, sorry! University work has just been catching up with me, and I shouldn't have excuses, but I do, and i'm very, very sorry. This year, i'll be bringing you blog posts and videos - OOOHHH, how exciting! Well, I think it's exciting, hopefully you'll stay tuned with me and watch what I do!
With that being said, I shall now start the proper blog post!

This blog post is about mine and my good friend Mia's OOTD (outfit's of the day) for the 23rd of January, 2013. It is rather cold here in Wales and, as everyone knows, it's snowing too, so we wrapped up warm and this is what we wore, I hope you enjoy! (Photographs further down the page)

 A big thank you to Mia for being in this video and for letting me use her camera~!
If you liked this OOTD business, let me know! I'd love to have feedback from you guys!

If you have any questions to ask me, please email me at: or tweet me @nadia_harrison

Thanks for reading this blog post!