Wednesday, 19 June 2013

Cats & Roses (and also some Megan)

Hello there~ I hope you are well.

The other day, I was being antisocial in my room and I heard my dad yell "close your eyes" - now, when this happens, i'm usually calm about it, but my dad had been outside and he could have brought me anything. Then I heard screams from my sisters room, "OWCH! IT'S GOT THOOOOORNS!"  I knew then what it was~ my dad gave me, my sister and my mum a rose from our garden~ let's all appreciate the lovely rose~

 Of course, Daisy had to investigate~

 She was soon bored of sniffing roses and went back to her duties of sleeping 

Thank you dad for my beautiful rose <3


I met up with my beautiful friend Meg (you may recognise her from a review post I did on a chocolate face mask) today (we've realised we've been friends for nearly 6 years!) and we went out to Chester~
I haven't seen Meg for the past year because she was studying in Georgia (USA, not Georgia in Europe-ish area), but now she's back and it's like she's never left me! So here are some photos of us - we didn't take any photos of Chester.

Her nail varnish was soooooo prettyyyy~


Costa's peach lemonade (and strawberry) is so amazing

 Safe to say I love her to pieces and i'm glad she's my best friend~ (soppy)

I hope you guys are all well! Thanks for taking the time to read this post~
I shall end it on this:

THINGS MY HAIR MATCHES: Bombay Sapphire bottle and this Sully cereal box.

No photoshop whatsoever.

Saturday, 15 June 2013

It's been a while!

Hello there stranger~!

Right, where on earth do I begin?! I think an apology is in order because I have not blogged in the longest time, and I miss it! So, I am sorry to you, the kind person who bothers to read my blog.

So, what have I been up to?
Well, since you've asked, I shall bullet point it for you because that way, I won't ramble and it'll be quicker to read:

  • I have finished my foundation course at uni and I passed with a distinction~
  • I've been busy sorting out uni things (as in aaaallll my wubbish that I brought home with me)
  • The foundation course I was on took up a lot of my time, so I didn't have time nor energy to blog
  • I've started YouTube-ing now, so my makeup tutorials will be there! (I'll post a link a bit later on in this post for y'all)

Soooo yes, all in all, uni took over my life and kept me on my toes~

I made the decision to make a YouTube channel because I just found it easier to record my tutorials rather than taking photos and posting them, I dunno, it's just easier for me. I'm having fun with it all now, ESPECIALLY as I have a new camera~! UGH HE IS SO BEAUTIFUL. Yes, my Canon EOS 700D is a boy and is called Keith - don't judge me.
I needed a new camera anyway as my Nikon D60 doesn't record and I was using the webcam in my Mac and the quality was okay, BUT THIS IS A WHOLE NEW WORLD~ So I am very very pleased c:


I thought about blogging when I was getting ready this morning and I thought to myself "why not do a little awkward outfit of the day?", so I did (and I camwhored), enjoy~

Face of the day~!
Went all out with eyelashes and contact lenses, aww yiss.

I've been so lazy with my eyebrows lately, i've not been bothered to pluck or trim them, hence why they're looking a bit caveman-ish.

LOOOOK HOW CUTE THIS HEAD BAND IS! Oh Primark~ (£2.50 if any of you were wondering~)

Denim Coat - Pull&Bear
Grey Dress - New Look

Sand Timer Necklace - Top Shop

Floral Socks - H&M
Leather Brogues - Top Shop

I'm sorry again for not blogging as much, but I will be back to blogging and things and yeah!
QUESTION: should I change my layout? If you can make me a pretty layout, i'll be forever in your favour~! <3

Thanks for reading guys, I hope you're all well!
If you have a request on makeup or styling or anything like that, leave me a message on twitter @nadia_harrison ! OH, and here is the link to my YouTube:

Lots of love, Nadia <3