Saturday 13 October 2012

Halloween looks: Doll makeup

Hello everyone~
I have my second Halloween look for you! It's a cute and innocent doll and creepy rag-doll combined look. For this, I wanted large eyes and a flawless complexion, because dolls are flawless and they have large round eyes and so I tried my best to re-create this. So, if you'd like to know how to get these looks:

Please keep on reading~

Before I applied anything to my face, I put in my grey contacts to make my eyes look massive - this is optional!

Apply a primer to your skin to make sure your makeup stays on all night, then apply your foundation/BB Cream. After that, fill in your brows and apply a primer to your eyelids to prevent your eye shadows from creasing.

Apply a sparkly peach eye shadow/pigment all over your lids, then use a light-medium matte brown eye shadow (1,2) in your crease, making sure you keep a rounded shape.

With the same matte brown eye shadow, create a new outer corner. Bring the eye shadow down out of your crease and then connect it to your lower lash line.

Apply concealer anywhere that needs extra coverage.

For an inner corner highlight, use a shimmery eye shadow and put this in the inner corners of your eyes and slightly underneath your lower lash line.

Set your face with a powder, then apply a white eyeliner to your water line. Slightly bring this down onto you lash line to make your eyes look bigger.

With a black eyeliner of your choice, line your eyes and wing it out dramatically - try not to go out of your new eye shape that you created with the brown eye shadow.

Apply mascara to your top lashes, and on the ends of your bottom lashes, then apply a pair of fluttery false eyelashes - if you have lower lashes, go ahead and apply them!

Apply a bright pink blush to the apples of your cheeks.

For the lips, blank them out with your concealer (make sure you've moisturised them before hand!) and then make your lips smaller with the help of a bright pink lipstick.

And that's it for the cute doll look!

Now for the creepy doll look~
With your eyeliner, make 3 little lines on the outer corner of your eye. These are our spider-like eyelashes.

Apply some spidery lashes on top of your long fluttery lashes.

For the lips, apply the same pink lipstick as before, but this time apply it all over.

To create stitch marks on your face, use your eyeliner again and place them randomly on your face. Start with the mouth - draw a line coming out of the corners of your mouth, then add X's and lines. 

And that's it!

I hope you like this doll look! I had a lot of fun doing it~
Thanks for reading this post! I'll continue to do different Halloween looks so stay tuned for those~
If you wish to contact me, you can tweet me @nadia_harrison or email me at

1 comment:

  1. Awesome doll makeup! That is so creepy yet cute and I'd really love to try that this Halloween. I've been searching for new and fresh halloween makeup ideas to try this year and thanks to you, I just got an idea. Thanks!

    ~ Cristine
