Monday 3 September 2012

Kyary Pamyu Pamyu "Moshi Moshi, Harajuku" makeup

Hello everyone~
In today's post, I will be showing you how to get Kyary Pamyu Pamyu's makeup, inspired from her album "Moshi Moshi, Harajuku"! Kyary Pamyu Pamyu is a Japanese singer, who started as a style icon in Harajuku. She's known for wearing creative and wacky clothing, such as a giant bow with an eyeball as the knot. She made her debut with "Pon Pon Pon", which MTV called the craziest music video ever made - and I agree, some people must have been tripping out when they made this. "Pon Pon Pon" has 30+ million views on YouTube! Kyary is known for her spiky lashes, and now she has released her own brand of lashes. 
In this post, i'll be showing you 2 looks - a wearable one and a creative one, both inspired from photos of her.
If you'd like to know how to get these looks:

 Please keep on reading~!

Because it was such a lovely day, I decided to sit outside, but the sun was a bit bright at times, so if i'm squinting or frowning, that'll be why! Sorry in advance~

I applied Simple's toner and moisturiser to my face first, then I used a primer because I wanted my skin to be flawless. Once that was done, I used my Etude House BB Cream and Collection 2000 concealer.

Once that was done, I used my Urban Decay brow box in Brown Sugar to fill in my brows - I only use the lightest shade. Then I used Dolly Wink's eyebrow mascara in Cocoa over the top.

I used MAC's Painterly Paint Pot as a primer for my lids, then I used the Urban Decay NAKED palette for my eye shadows. First, I used Naked (1) all over my lids, then I used Half Baked (2) under my lower lashes, after that I used Sin (3) as an inner corner highlight and I brought this colour under my lash line too. Once that was done, I used Virgin (4) as a brow highlight.

 I set my makeup into place with Rimmel London's Stay Matte powder - I only applied this under my eyes, forehead and nose. I used 17's liquid liner to line my eyes thinly. I didn't wing this out, instead I drew the line straight down, following the natural curve of my eye. Once i'd done that, I used a black pencil and lined the inner corner of my eye only, then I used a white eyeliner on my waterline to open up my eyes.

I applied Miss Sporty's Pump Up Lash mascara on my top and bottom lashes, making sure they were long and full. Then I applied Hed Kandi's false eyelashes - these are perfect or a Kyary Pamyu Pamyu look as they're long and spiky! I made sure I applied these just out of my natural lashes, so it was on the black liner that was going downwards. I used an old pair of lashes and cut them into 4 pieces and used them as lower lashes.

I used a mixture of Natural Collection's Pink Cloud blusher and Daniel Sandler's loose eye shadow in Peach as blush. I applied this on the front of my cheeks, directly under my eyes.

I used Illamasqua's lipstick in Sonnet and topped it off with Illasmasqua's lip gloss in Artifice.

And that completes the wearable Kyary Pamyu Pamyu look!

Now, time for the crazy look!

I blanked out my lips with my concealer and I began drawing the outline of the lips with a white eyeliner - I used white rather than black because white would be easier to remove if I made a mistake.

After that I used a black pen eyeliner and went back over the white eyeliner.

I used 2 lipsticks to get the right colour; Rimmel London's Kate Moss lipsticks in 02 and 04. I put these on the back of my hand and blended them together until I got the colour I required, then I began filling in the lips.

I went back to my white eyeliner and began filling in the teeth.

Once I was happy with everything, I took a black gel liner and went back over the lines to make them stand out more. Then I cleaned up my lips with a makeup wipe.

And that's it!

I really hope you enjoyed this blog post, I had a lot of fun doing this look! 
If you have any looks you'd like to see, feel free to email me: or you can tweet me @nadia_harrison
Thank you so much for reading my blog post~


  1. Hello!

    I am trying to get the same look with those lashes but I don't live in the UK OR Japan (-_-') do you have any recommendations for another brand that would be available in the US with those spikey / spaced false lashes?

    Many thanks!


    1. Hi Enne~!

      There's a good website called and they're based in the US, and they sell spikey false lashes: :)
      I would recommend NYX as well, as they've got a really good lash selection and they're a really good price too!

      I hope this helps, and thanks for checking out my blog!

      Nadia x
